But we are still here for you! Please read more here.


But we are still here for you! Please read more here.

Imagine being able to get an abortion in the same ways you access typical medical care. 

We founded MYA Network during the pandemic when 11 states took advantage of a public health crisis to deem abortion as non-essential care. It was our first glimpse of what was to come when the Dobbs decision took away our constitutional right to live the lives we choose.  

We seized this challenging moment to rethink how we provide abortion care: what if we could access abortion from our primary care physicians, our midwives, or any other provider in the mainstream medical system? 

While the siloing of abortion into segregated clinics has been historically necessary and heroic, it has also made it possible for politics to dictate the terms of medical care. We aim to implement our long-term vision of decentralizing abortion. This is founded on the revolutionary methods of telehealth abortion pills and Manual Uterine Aspiration. Our website links patients to primary care clinicians who provide these options.  

We also work towards changing the culture of secrecy and isolation around abortion—thus our mission statement: to normalize abortion care, medically and culturally. Our most public-facing project to date, the Issue of Tissue, utilized photographs of early pregnancy tissue to combat misinformation about abortion. The photos have been featured in medical textbooks, social media, and news publications, including the New York Times and the Guardian

Please invest in this vision of primary care-based abortion.

$24,119.00 donated
110 Donors

These are our concrete goals:

  • To create telemedicine-based abortion care in all states that allow it
  • To train and support clinicians to offer medical abortion and MUA in their practices
  • To link patients with primary care-based abortion care
  • To financially support low income patients seeking abortion care
  • To educate the public on early abortion options
  • To help culturally normalize abortion by supporting patients and clinicians to express their views and experiences related to pregnancy choices

MYA Network is a project of The Community Health Promotion Project (CHPP), a 501(c)(3) EIN: 06-1646697. All donations are tax-exempt.

The Community Health Promotion Project is a 501(c)(3) Not-For-Profit launched in 2002 to promote the integration of comprehensive reproductive health services into primary care medical practices and support clinicians to establish these new models of patient-centered reproductive care.