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But we are still here for you! Please read more here.

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to help you end your pregnancy

If you see your state below please click on the direct link. Do not fill in the contact form.

California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey, New Mexico,

New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia and Washington.


If you live in or can travel to one of the states listed above please click on the direct link for options and assistance.


If your state is not active you can submit a request below and we will assist you:

Your Early Abortion Options

Abortion Pills – Up to 10 Weeks Pregnant

We help you to end your pregnancy in the comfort of your own home.

Manual Uterine Aspiration (MUA) Procedure

 – Up to 12 Weeks Pregnant

We help you to end your pregnancy in a private office setting with a gentle procedure. It’s done in a regular exam room, like a pap test. It takes 2 – 5 minutes to complete.

For either option we will help you by:

  • Seeing if you’re eligible

  • Explaining how it works

  • Sending you the pills

  • Giving you support to make you comfortable

  • Providing support 24/7

  • Following up as needed

Is MYA Network right for me?

  • I am pregnant (I have a positive pregnancy test)
  • I am up to 10 weeks pregnant (Abortion Pills)
  • I am up to 12 weeks pregnant (Manual Uterine Aspiration Procedure)

Please use our simple calculator below to confirm how far along you are in the pregnancy.

MYA Network is available to help you learn more. Email us at Info@myanetwork.org or book your appointment here.

Pregnancy Calculator:


Is abortion legal?

Yes. Abortion is currently legal in the United States of America, but each state has slightly different laws. We will help you understand the laws in your state and what type of abortion you’re eligible for based on where you live.

What is the MYA Network?

MYA Network is short for MY Abortion Network. We are an activist group of clinicians who are working to make abortion part of routine medical care.  We have our own practices.

How do I know I have an early pregnancy?

We define early pregnancy as up to 12 weeks pregnant. You can figure out how far along you are in your pregnancy by counting the number of days from the first day of your last normal period to today.

For example, if the first day of your last normal period was 22 days ago, then you’re 22 days pregnant (or 3 weeks and 1 day).

Is it safe to take Abortion Pills without a blood test or ultrasound?

Yes. Studies have shown that this no-test option is safe, as long as you meet certain criteria. Our clinicians will make sure that you do. The main criteria are:

-You have a positive pregnancy test at home.

-You have regular periods.

-You are up to 10 weeks pregnant.

-You do not have risk factors for or symptoms of an “ectopic pregnancy” (a pregnancy outside of the uterus, which can be quite dangerous). Symptoms can include severe lower belly pain (especially on one side), vaginal bleeding or spotting, and/or feeling very weak, dizzy, or fainting.

-You have a phone, tablet, or computer (to communicate with us).

-You agree to seek help if there are any complications and you live within one hour of emergency medical care. 

How do I get the Abortion Pills?

You can get abortion pills from a clinician either in their office or in some cases by mail.  Ask your MYA clinician for details.

Is It safe to have a miscarriage at home?


If you are up to 10 weeks pregnant the bleeding is manageable. Urgent bleeding issues are extremely rare. If there is any ongoing heavy bleeding you would be advised to be seen in an office for evaluation.

What if I need help when I am taking the Abortion Pills?

Your MYA clinician will have 24/7 medical support available. It is extremely rare that you would require emergency assistance while going through the medication abortion process, but if so we would recommend you go to an emergency room near you. We will help you to arrange whatever care you may need.

What is Manual Uterine Aspiration?

Manual Uterine Aspiration (MUA) is a safe, simple, in-office procedure that takes 2-5 minutes to complete and is specifically designed for people³ seeking to end an early pregnancy. MUA can also be used to treat an early miscarriage, or to treat an incomplete medication abortion. Both the abortion pill and MUA are recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) as the safest early abortion options.

How do I decide which method is right for me?

You will meet with your clinician in-person or via a video visit, they will review your medical issues and personal situation, and together you will come up with the option that is best for you. If you are unsure about your decision at any time during the process, the clinician and our dedicated staff will answer any and all of your questions. There is absolutely no pressure if you change your mind at any time. We are here to support you.

What is a primary care clinician?

We are the clinicians you see for typical medical problems or symptoms. We are “relationship-centered” in our approach.  We feel that you will have a better medical experience when you have a relationship with and trust the person providing your care.  Primary care clinicians include family doctors (MDs and osteopaths) and advanced practice clinicians like physician assistants, nurse practitioners, and midwives. We can refer to specialists when a clinical situation is beyond our experience or scope of practice.

Is abortion safe enough to be offered by non-specialists?

Yes!  Early abortion is one of the safest medical treatments available.  Primary care clinicians are trained in minor surgery and gynecological care and procedures.  Providing an early abortion is a lot safer than delivering a baby!  The abortion pill and manual aspiration methods are considered the safest abortion methods by the World Health Organization.

Why is abortion mostly provided in clinic settings?

When abortion was legalized through Roe V. Wade in 1974, abortion clinics were opened to provide safe abortion care.  However, this centralized way of providing services left clinics, clinicians, and patients vulnerable to targeting through violence, bullying tactics, and unprecedented laws.  The clinicians who are part of the MYA Network feel that if abortion were made available as part of “normal” medical care, these targeting practices would soon be obsolete.